Thursday, January 29, 2009

Superman Analogy

When I was young I was into superheroes. I was big fan of Batman, Spiderman, the Fantastic Four, etc. Yet, my favorite superhero was Superman. I mention that because within the Superman story is truth. That truth is how you can lose your power when faced with Kryptonite. The reason why I am writing this is because of observations I have been noticing in the last few weeks. It’s women who are over the hill and can’t get the men they used to.

You know the girl who dissed you, didn’t call, played games, etc. The girl, who called you a loser, didn’t want to marry you because she thought she could find someone better. These women don’t understand that they lose value as they get older. Men are attracted to visual stimuli. Therefore, men will look at a woman’s looks before her personality. That might sound sexist, but it’s just the way it is. Men on the other don’t have to deal with that. Not to say that women are not attracted to looks, but status is far more in important. Look at athletes, rockers, rappers, doctors, lawyers; the list goes on and on. They get the hot girls because of their status not their looks.

Now a lot of guys out there are frustrated when it comes to hooking up with chicks, but the reality is that you are not missing out on anything being single. Being single is the best way for you to achieve goals, live your dreams, and become the man YOU want to be. Once you invest time in yourself and you become successful. All those chicks that said “no” will be saying, “yes” in a heartbeat. Women kill me with that line that goes “they’re no good men left”. I can tell you where they are. You told them NO! When men become successful in doing what they really love to do. We are Kryptonite to women. But the funny thing is that by the time you hit your mid-thirties and you are on the way to fulfilling your dream. You are not going to want the women that told you no. You want the cute twenty something that’s saying yes being allured by your status.

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