Monday, January 26, 2009

Accusations, Encouragements, and Insults

The most important thing to know is that accusations, encouragements, and insults are all the same thing. They’re just opinions! The person that says you will never make it, is the same dipshit who says “I always believed in you”. The same kids, who insulted you when you were young, wants to know "How you are doing?” while you are an adult.

I mention this because during this crazy election Barack Obama is seen by the mass media and society as this deity who will change the world. He is just a man that can only do one thing at a time. I could not imagine what he must be going through, but I think he will be just fine.

I am very happy that he won the election, but now there is a lot of work do. And I am afraid that the same people, who put him on this glorious pedestal, will be the first people to bring him down. I hope it does not happen, but I seen it so many times before.

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